Fabio Fiestas

Full stack developer


Sky is the limit. You never live same experience twice.

- Frank McCourt


Fabio Fiestas

Who I am?

Software Engineer with a strong background in full-stack web development, specializing in Node.js, Express, Angular, React, and Ruby on Rails. Proficient in troubleshooting complex technical issues, optimizing system performance, and delivering innovative solutions. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my technical and problem-solving skills to contribute to a dynamic and forward-thinking organization.


JoyIt - Culqi

Tech support analyst

JoyIt - Culqi


Jan, 2023 - Present

  • Led a team of 2 full-stack developers, assuming responsibility for code reviews, estimating development times, and facilitating effective communication among team members to ensure timely delivery of high-quality projects
  • Developed a Python program that automates certain manual tasks executed by the Tech team, reducing execution time by 70%
  • Utilized my expertise in both relational and non-relational databases, including MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, to conduct monitoring and effectively address tickets

Web developer



Oct, 2022 - May, 2023

  • Developed a landing page in Next.js from scratch with email sending integration using Sendgrid. Additionally, I integrated Sanity (a headless CMS) into the website, allowing the marketing team to make changes without needing to modify the code.
  • Developed backend in Node.js (mainly) and frontend in Angular, as well as databases in PostgreSQL.
  • Developed endpoints and advanced SQL queries to integrate closing cash reports and daily parts.
Smart Fit

Rails developer jr.

Smart Fit

RubyJavascriptPHPSql server

Jun, 2022 - Sep, 2022

  • Set up email delivery through cron jobs for customers who had a year of membership and wanted to renew, thus avoiding potential customer complaints.
  • Configure the sending of reports by email from the SQLServer database on those registered for the new promotions that are being launched. With this, the marketing team was able to make better decisions about the target audience.
  • Maintain the software developed in Ruby on rails and fix bugs, improving the user experience.
  • Develop a landing page in php to generate coupons which was connected to an api to perform system data validation.
Soluciones en Control Industrial y de Procesos

Supervisor Engineer

Soluciones en Control Industrial y de Procesos

ExcelMs project

May, 2021 - May, 2021

  • Supervise the maintenance of a medium voltage switch job at the Trupal plant. Preventive and corrective maintenance of the respective cells, arrival of MV from the plant, ducts and channels and substation of ABB switches and boiler power transformers were carried out.
  • Create a reliable supply of materials for the organization with the greatest economic efficiency such as PPE, tools, etc. I was also in charge of making the corresponding payment to the project workers.
Snowbasin Resort

Food and beverage department

Snowbasin Resort

Dec, 2020 - Mar, 2020

  • Support to the chef in the preparation of meals and cleaning of the lodge
  • English customer service


Sql server
Ms project


Dane Doggie Dude Ranch Booking System

Case Study 1 of 8: Dane Doggie Dude Ranch Booking System

Welcome to the Gr8 Dane Doggie Dude Ranch Booking System! This Django-based web application is designed to facilitate the booking of appointments for various dog services including grooming, walking, and more. Our system allows customers to easily manage their appointments and ensure their beloved pets receive the care they deserve.

Bonny Joyas Web

Case Study 2 of 8: Bonny Joyas Web

The landing page for Bonny Jewelry was created, which consists of 3 sections: Home, About Us, and Contact. Currently, the landing page includes a contact form with Resend integration, enabling email submissions. Next.js was utilized for the development of the landing page, with Tailwind CSS for styling. Additionally, the project follows best practices by using reusable components. There are plans to expand the website into a full-fledged ecommerce platform in the future.

Controlling robotic hand with Mediapipe

Case Study 3 of 8: Controlling robotic hand with Mediapipe

This project is part of my university thesis work, where the objective is to control a robotic hand with the use of the Mediapipe (Artificial Vision) library. Technologies: Python, Mediapipe, Arduino.

Proyecto Node.js con Express y KafkaJS

Case Study 4 of 8: Proyecto Node.js con Express y KafkaJS

This project is an example application that uses Node.js, Express, and KafkaJS to demonstrate how real-time messaging systems work using Apache Kafka. The application allows users to send and receive messages over a Kafka cluster, facilitating asynchronous communication and management of data flows in enterprise applications

Proyecto de Node.js y Redis: Caché de Datos de Rick and Morty

Case Study 5 of 8: Proyecto de Node.js y Redis: Caché de Datos de Rick and Morty

This project connects to the Rick and Morty public API to get information about the characters in the series. I use the Express framework to create a web server that responds to user requests and caches data using Redis. Key Features: * Query and cache the character list from the Rick and Morty API. * Provides details of specific characters by their ID and caches the data. * Use the response-time module to measure and display the response time of requests.

Server Side development

Case Study 6 of 8: Server Side development

This project is from the Coursera course where the following topics are covered: - Database with Mongodb - Using Mongoose - Different authentication methods, such as passport, facebook passport, sessionid. - Restful api - Authorization - CORS


Case Study 7 of 8: Keepable

Are you looking for a place where you can create notes, edit them, delete them and even restorage them? Keepable is a take-nothing service and productivity app designed by Codeable students in which users can post amazing notes. I hope you enjoy it 😉


Case Study 8 of 8: Contactable

Keep track of contact emails and phone numbers in your local memory (your brain) is something from the past. Contactable make your life easier keeping track of all that information for you. Feel free of create new user and add new contacts. I hope you enjoy it 😉


Let's work together! Let's talk

(+51) 961-032-467


Lima - Peru